In 1815, after playing the Hundred Days Event card, you have Napoleon and the Armée du Nord in the Low Countries, which is controlled by the UK player, your enemy. To demonstrate how the entire Napoleonic Wars of ten years can be completed in one evening, here is a sample play narrative of how the Waterloo campaign could play out in ten minutes: Also, in the 3-6 players version, every individual player will control a Major Power with his own agenda, trying to win the game also through their own Victory and Gloire Points.
The British Player will launch successive Coalitions of allied countries to destroy the French Empire, and the French player will try to survive and win the game by earning Gloire and Victory Points or by surrendering Great Britain through the Continental Blockade. Prepare to fight from Austerlitz to Waterloo in just one evening! You will remember and reenact this flamboyant period handling historical Generals, Armies, Fleets and Event Cards.
The scope of the game is grand-strategy with some operational components (as the execution of maneuvers as Marching to the Sound of the Guns), being the British player launching successive Coalitions to destroy France and his Empire. COALITION! is a game about the Napoleonic Wars (1805-1815) for two to six players that can be completed in a single evening.